Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blewett Stamp Mill and Hotel


WoodCrafter said...

So can anyone give some directions on where to find the original mill site and also the hotel ? Been over the pass and also the old Blewett pass road several times..
As a teenager (I am 72 now), I remember deer hunting with my dad, about 1958 in the Blewett pass area and seeing a old ski area.. tried to find it lately but with no luck..

Unknown said...

A ski area? I would think that would be at the top, maybe on the flank of Table Mountain or even near the southern entrance to the old highway? Sorry I am no help. But it would seem nobody else has replied! The mill site it pointed out by the plaque, I think. It is on the opposite side of the highway near Culver Gulch, up against the hillside.

Unknown said...

There was a ski area located at the old Swauk Recreation Area. The large lodge building at the site was torn own around 1963, I think, and was cut in thirds and moved down to the present site of Mineral Springs Restaurant, which is located a few miles up the pass from Liberty turn-off. There are pictures of Mineral Springs in this site.

Unknown said...

I forgot to reveal the location of the Swauk Recreation Ski Area and Lodge in the above post. It was located directly across from the entrance to Swauk Campground on Highway 97, around a couple hundred yards up the hill.....or so. I searched the area about 10 years ago and couldn't find a trace of it. So, I assume when the Forest Service cut it up and moved it, they also did a very thorough job of completely cleaning up the whole area.
Also, I might add in regards to the "Old Blewett Pass road",we take this route every spring on our way to Leavenworth in a car and it is easily passable and provides many fantastic views and usually includes views of wildlife.

KO said...

There was a ski area at Blewett Pass, and a restaurant i believe. This was on the true, old Blewett pass highway. The current highway actually crosses Suak Pass. I’m not certain of the current status of the old highway. It has been 6 orseven years since i have driven it.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be conflicting reports on the ski hill location. Were there two? Is there any existing documentation, or photo evidence?